Pas de CFCL Photography by Yumiko Inoue
Pas de CFCL
Photography by Yumiko Inoue

This photography project features portraits of ballerinas wearing CFCL clothes that capture their individuality and potential. We hope to share the incredible beauty and wonder of ballet by presenting dancers in a clothing style that differs from their usual onstage look.
Though European in origin, ballet has become a universal dance form appreciated all around the world. CFCL is a Tokyo-based fashion brand committed to making clothing attuned to contemporary lifestyle. This crossover is set to inspire a whole new generation of ballet fans.
Dialogue between Kaori Nakano and Yusuke Takahashi
Nakano:I would like to take up topics such as “contemporary Japanese-ness” and “Western ballet and fashion history,” as well as “body and clothing.” Why did you think of a collaboration between ballet and CFCL clothing?
Takahashi:I was originally interested in dance itself. There were several reasons behind my choice of ballet, including the affinity with the silhouette of the POTTERY dresses that are…
Kaori Nakano
Fashion History Creator / Author / President of Kaori Nakano Co., Ltd. (Independent Research Institute)
Specializes in Luxury Studies (including Cultural Studies of Fashion, British Studies) based on the Humanities. Works as a writer, public speaker, educator and business consultant.
Yumiko Inoue
Photographer / Creative Director / Producer
Finished her B.A. at Keio University, SFC. Her career in photography started during her college years. Advertisement and fashion industries have been her main fields since then. Fascinated by the beauty of ballet dancers, she continues to have dancers in her photography works, which stays as her life-time passion. Her career also extends to performance direction as well as organizing some ballet shows. She also serves as the director of Alexandre Magazine, dance-related media she runs.